Thursday, October 22, 2009


60-foot Spider-Man, Sony Building, New York

60-foot inflatable Spider-Man
Sony Building
Madison Avenue
New York, October 2007


Lowell said...

Silliness prevails! Great shot, though!

Yukinori Katayama said...

I lo~ve this kind of decoration!

tapirgal said...

You find the best things and photograph them so well. The composition is great!

Anonymous said...

I'm not usually impressed by inflatable objects but thisone is rather cool!

cieldequimper said...

Cool. You need to go see the Sony building in Berlin. If you haven't already that is, and when you'll be tired of London.

Unknown said...

My first reaction was: 'Only in New York'! But in fact, not any more.
Great shot, VP!