Wednesday, October 7, 2009

At the Gate

Israeli soldiers, Damascus Gate, Old City, Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers outside Damascus Gate
Old City
Jerusalem, June 1992


Lowell said...

Very dramatic. That's one job I would not want. Heck, I don't want any job at this point, but I really don't want their job!

tapirgal said...

Did they like having their photos taken? It's a great shot - reminds me of a picture in National Geographic.

tapirgal said...

I like the new header on your Livorno blog, but I also liked the old one. I'll put the comment on this page just to be confusing, and because I already have 2 comments on today's Livorno blog!

cieldequimper said...

Are you a journalist as well as a poet? Striking shot when you know where it is.

Yukinori Katayama said...

Wasn't it dangerous?

Tinsie said...

They look quite young.