Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Jeté by Enzo Plazzotta, Millbank, London

“Jeté” by Enzo Plazzotta
London, September 2003


Yukinori Katayama said...

I don't know why, but it looks something sorrow.
But very imperessive!

Lowell said...

This one certainly has captured well the sense of movement...I know not "Jete" but it looks like a ballet person...or a school teacher going home after the last bell!

Nice shot VP!

Tinsie said...

I kept wondering why this statue had 3 legs, until I magnified the picture and took a closer look!

VP said...

@ Jacob - I think that you know perfectly what a jeté is...

Lowell said...

@ VP - I must plead ignorance again! I really don't...

I know what a jetty is, though.

Probably not the same.

VP said...

@ Jacob - Let's say that if you do a jeté on a jetty it could end quite badly...

(Encarta says: a ballet leap from one leg to the other in which one leg is stretched forward and the other backward)

Lowell said...

Thank you...I did look it up in the French dictionary and found something similar that referred to jumping or bouncing, etc.

If I tried that anywhere, jetty or New Jersey, I'd be in a hospital for months!

Have a great evening!

Unknown said...

Great background for this beautiful sculpture!