Saturday, September 14, 2024

Málaga Arte Urbano Soho

End to Those Dogs by Dean Stockton (D*Face), Paz y Libertad by Shepard Fairey, Avenida del Comandante Benítez, Málaga

“End to Those Dogs” by Dean Stockton (D*Face), 2013
“Paz y Libertad” by Shepard Fairey, 2013
Avenida del Comandante Benítez
Málaga, September 2023

“In 2013, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga (CAC Málaga) and MAUS (Málaga Arte Urbano Soho) invited American street artist Shepard Fairey to create a mural in the city, along with several other international street artists. His mural, Paz y Libertad, is located in the Soho Art District near the museum. Now CAC Málaga is currently hosting a major solo exhibition of Fairey’s work, from June 26 to September 27, 2015. In this video, filmed while Fairey installed his mural in 2013, the artist discusses the development of his work, and its political and personal aspects.” (Shepard Fairey Mural in Málaga, MutualArt)

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