Sunday, January 23, 2022

Ad tenendam propositam spem

Ad tenendam propositam spem (Let us hold fast the confession of our hope) from the Epistle to the Hebrews, Santa Croce in Via Flaminia, Via Guido Reni, Rome

“Ad tenendam propositam spem” (Let us hold fast the confession of our hope)
(From the ‘Epistle to the Hebrews’)
Santa Croce in Via Flaminia
Via Guido Reni
Rome, September 2019

“Santa Croce in Via Flaminia is a basilica church dedicated to the Holy Cross on the Via Flaminia in Rome, Italy. Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint-George has its seat there.It was first built in 1913 by the architect Aristide Leonori for Pope Pius X, in celebration of the 1600th anniversary of the Edict of Milan. In the style of a Roman basilica, it has a mosaic-decorated facade, a portico with six Doric columns and a mosaic by Biagio Biagetti, a five-storey bell tower and a three-aisled nave divided by six columns of Bavarian granite on each side. It was opened for worship on 12 July 1914, and granted to the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata (Stigmatines), but was not consecrated until 1918 (by Giuseppe Pallica, Titular Archbishop of Philippi). In 1954, Pope Pius XII made it an alternative station church for Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent. Pope Paul VI elevated it to the status of Minor Basilica in 1964.” (Santa Croce in Via Flaminia, Wikipedia)

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