Thursday, October 17, 2019

Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar

Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar by Carlos Guerrero and Batista Barros, Forte do Bom Sucesso, Belém, Lisbon

Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar (Monument to the Overseas Combatants)
by Carlos Guerrero and Batista Barros, 2000
Forte do Bom Sucesso, Belém
Lisbon, April 2019

“The Overseas War (Guerra do Ultramar) was a dark period in Portugal’s modern history that ultimately resulted in the overthrow of the Salazar dictatorship but the toll on Lisbon was extremely high as many of the soldiers families originated from the capital. The Overseas War took the lives of over 9,000 soldiers and lasted between 1961 and 1974 as Portugal desperately tried to retain its African colonies. The name of each soldier who perished is engraved onto the 180 bronze plates that surround the central memorial. The Monumento Combatentes Ultramar was unveiled in February 2000 and was designed by artists Carlos Guerrero and Batista Barros.” (Monumento Combatentes Ultramar,

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