Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Swan and cygnet

Swan and cygnet, Donaupark, Donaustadt, Vienna

Swan and cygnet
Donaupark, Donaustadt
Vienna, June 2018

“Young birds, called cygnets, are not the bright white of mature adults, and their bill is dull greyish-black, not orange, for the first year. The down may range from pure white to grey to buff, with grey/buff the most common. The white cygnets have a leucistic gene. Cygnets grow quickly, reaching a size close to their adult size in approximately three months after hatching. Cygnets typically retain their grey feathers until they are at least one year old, with the down on their wings having been replaced by Flight feathers earlier that year. All mute swans are white at maturity, though the feathers (particularly on the head and neck) are often stained orange-brown by iron and tannins in the water.” (Mute swan, Wikipedia)

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