Thursday, August 19, 2010


Trams, Largo di Torre Argentina, Rome

Largo di Torre Argentina
Rome, May 2010


Yukinori Katayama said...

it's so cool more than we have in our city!

cieldequimper said...

I hope that one day I will understand how the public transport system works in Rome.

VP said...

@ Nori - Things in Italy tend to appear cooler than they really are!
@ ciel - Don't count on it, I surely won't.

joo said...

They are very modern! I remeber ages ago trams in Rome were rather not very comfortable and realiable - seems it's changed:)

Dina said...

Lucky Rome; at least they have them.
Yesterday a new scandal broke: They finished the overhead electric cables for Jerusalem's new tram and want to make a test run, but nobody knows if the curved Calatrava Bridge of Strings will support moving trams!!