Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hygieia Fountain

Hygieia-Brunnen, Hygieia fountain by Joseph von Kramer, Hamburger Rathaus, Hamburg

Hygieia-Brunnen (Hygieia fountain) by Joseph von Kramer
Rathaus courtyard
Hamburg, May 2003


Lowell said...

I enlarged this to find that she's even a bit more frightening ... do you think the original configuration had what looks like some fluid coming off her face and down her body?

I think I need to learn more about Greek mythology! (She is Greek, right?)

tapirgal said...

Now THAT is dramatic! I love it, scary or not. I'd put it in my living room if I could.

amatamari© said...

Oh magnificent!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she has all that water with that dragon looking up at her. She just may need something put his fire out!

crocrodyl said...

Wonderful! So monumental!

Tinsie said...

@ Jacob: She is indeed Greek. Hygieia means "health".

She does look rather lush ;-)

Unknown said...

Wonderfully composed shot!