Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Thames Rib Experience, Tower Bridge, London

Thames Rib Experience
Speedboat near the Tower Bridge
London, October 2009


Yukinori Katayama said...

Every blog of your's will have full comments from your fans!
Fine photo, but every passengers looks so nervous in this picture!

Lowell said...

You are a wonderful photographer but where you excel is with boat/ship/water pictures!

Perhaps you should find a really good printer, make up some prints and postcards of Livorno's ships, waterways and various sailors and entice local shopkeepers to sell them.

You could even have Vogon Poet days where people would come to a certain shop and you could autograph your prints!

I'm serious!

I know this one is not of Livorno, but it is an example of your superb work...a great action shot with great colors...very well composed and sharp as a tack.

It's all right, you don't need to thank me. But when you become rich and famous, send me a pizza!


tapirgal said...

It looks like great fun. I think Jacob said everything.

cieldequimper said...

Off for a bumpy ride and like Tapirgal said, Jacob got in before us!;-)

Nydia said...

It looks so fun! Beautiful shot!

Kisses frm Nydia.

Tinsie said...

This is one of the things I would like to do one day :-)