Saturday, April 25, 2009


The Marriage of Money and Real Estate by Tom Otterness, Roosevelt Island, New York

“The Marriage of Money and Real Estate” by Tom Otterness, 1996
Roosevelt Island
New York, September 2008

“Little green men stand ready to invade the west shore of Roosevelt Island in New York City. Well, not men so much as a coin and a house. And not invade so much as symbolize the struggle of wealth inequality in the city. The artistic commentary is appropriately called ‘The Marriage of Money and Real Estate’. It consists of three bronze sculptures: one of a coin being attacked by what seems to be an anthropomorphized moneybag coming out of the mouth of a man in a top hat, one of a house in a skirt being attacked by a lobster with a dollar sign on its face, and one of the house and coin joined in a happy marriage.” (The Marriage of Money and Real Estate, Atlas Obscura)


Cezar and Léia said...

Great title and picture!
Léia :-)

lemon said...

ΒBliahhhhh, who had this awful idea of making a real estate and money satue???
Thanks for sharing, anyway!!!!

crocrodyl said...

They seem to be happy:) in spite their difficult "geographical location":)

cieldequimper said...

LOL@ m-m! They put a smile on one's face!

Ayie said...
