Friday, August 31, 2012

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower by Robert Lee Dean, American Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London

Statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower by Robert Lee Dean, 1989
American Embassy
Grosvenor Square
London, October 2009

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Classical colonnade amd pond, Parc Monceau, Paris

Classical colonnade and pond
Parc Monceau
Boulevard de Courcelles
Quartier de l'Europe, 8th arrondissement
Paris, July 2011

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Capitoline Venus

Venere capitolina, Capitoline Venus, Palazzo Nuovo, Capitoline Museums, Rome

“Venere capitolina” (Capitoline Venus)
Palazzo Nuovo
Musei Capitolini (Capitoline Museums)
Rome, May 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bertolt Brecht

Statue of Bertolt Brecht by Fritz Cremer, Berliner Ensemble, Bertolt-Brecht-Platz, Berlin

Statue of Bertolt Brecht by Fritz Cremer
Berliner Ensemble
Berlin, September 2011

Monday, August 27, 2012

Wards Island Bridge

Wards Island Bridge, 103rd Street Footbridge, Harlem River, Wards Island, New York

Wards Island Bridge (103rd Street Footbridge)
Across the Harlem River to Wards Island
New York, September 2007

Sunday, August 26, 2012

France of the Renaissance

La France à la Renaissance by Jules Coutan, L'Harmonie triomphant de la Discorde by Georges Récipon, Renommée des Sciences by Emmanuel Frémiet, Paris

From right to left:
“La France à la Renaissance” by Jules Coutan
Pont Alexandre III
“L'Harmonie triomphant de la Discorde” (Harmony triumphing over Discord) Quadriga by Georges Récipon
Grand Palais
“Renommée des Sciences” (Fame of the Sciences) by Emmanuel Frémiet
Pont Alexandre III
Paris, July 2012

See also: France of Louis XIV - L'Harmonie triomphant - Fame of the Sciences

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In hoc signo vinces

In hoc signo vinces, church of St. Joachim, Prati, Rome

“In hoc signo vinces” (In this sign you will conquer)
Chiesa di San Gioacchino in Prati (Church of St. Joachim, Prati)
Via Pompeo Magno
Rome, May 2011

Friday, August 24, 2012

Berlin Potsdamer Platz

Bahnhof Berlin Potsdamer Platz, Berlin Potsdamer Platz station, Berlin

Bahnhof Berlin Potsdamer Platz (Berlin Potsdamer Platz station)
Potsdamer Platz
Berlin, September 2011

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Red Church

Red Church” by Eleonora Aguiari, Bishops Square, Spitalfields, London

“Red Church” by Eleonora Aguiari
(A red silhouette of the nearby Christ Church)
Bishops Square, Spitalfields
London, October 2009

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cupidon armé et coeur rouge

Cupidon armé et coeur rouge, armed Cupid and red heart, Ceux qui s'éveillent sont le cauchemar de ceux qui dorment encore, graffiti, Rue Gozlin, Paris

Cupidon armé et coeur rouge (Armed Cupid and red heart)
“Ceux qui s'éveillent sont le cauchemar de ceux qui dorment encore”
(Those who get awake are the nightmare of those still sleeping)
Rue Gozlin, off Boulevard Saint-Germain
Quartier Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 6th arrondissement
Paris, July 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Adriatic Sea

Detail of the fountain of the Adriatic Sea by Ettore Ferrari, Altare della Patria, Altar of the Fatherland, Rome

Detail of the fountain of the Adriatic Sea by Ettore Ferrari
Altare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland)
Piazza Venezia
Rome, May 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

Martin Luther

Statue of Martin Luther by Paul Otto, Marienkirche, Berlin

Statue of Martin Luther by Paul Otto, 1893
Marienkirche (St. Mary's Church)
Berlin, September 2011

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wallenberg Memorial

Hope, memorial to Raoul Wallenberg by Gustav Kraitz, New York

“Hope”, memorial to Raoul Wallenberg by Gustav Kraitz, 1998
First Avenue / 47th Street
New York, September 2008

See also: Raoul Wallenberg (London)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

La Brigitte

La Brigitte” eyewear, rue du Bac, Paris

“La Brigitte” eyewear
Rue du Bac
Quartier Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin, 7th arrondissement
Paris, July 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Life of the Virgin

Scenes from the Life of the Virgin by Antonio Gherardi, Santa Maria in Trivio, Piazza dei Crociferi, Rome
“Scenes from the Life of the Virgin” by Antonio Gherardi, 1670
Santa Maria in Trivio
Piazza dei Crociferi, rione Trevi
Rome, May 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Panoramapunkt, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin

Potsdamer Platz
Berlin, September 2011

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Raoul Wallenberg

Memorial to Raoul Wallenberg by Philip Jackson, Great Cumberland Place, London

Memorial to Raoul Wallenberg by Philip Jackson, 1997
Great Cumberland Place, City of Westminster
London, October 2009

See also: Wallenberg Memorial (New York)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi by Vincenzo Cochi, Square Garibaldi, Paris

Monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi by Vincenzo Cochi, 1907
Square Garibaldi
Quartier de Grenelle, 15th arrondissement
Paris, July 2012

See also: Garibaldi in Rome - Garibaldi - Garibaldi in Venice

Monday, August 13, 2012

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Monument to Gian Lorenzo Bernini by Ettore Ferrari, Via delle Mercede, Rome

Monument to Gian Lorenzo Bernini by Ettore Ferrari
Via delle Mercede
Rome, May 2012

visse e morì
Gianlorenzo Bernini
sovrano dell'arte
al quale si chinarono
papi, principi, popoli
lived and died
Gianlorenzo Bernini,
sovereign of art
before whom
popes, princes, and peoples
reverently bowed)

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Klio (Clio) by Albert Wolff, Nikolaikirchplatz, Nikolaiviertel, Berlin

“Klio” (Clio, the muse of history) by Albert Wolff
Nikolaikirchplatz, Nikolaiviertel
Berlin, September 2011

Saturday, August 11, 2012

David Blaine

Dive of Death, David Blaine, Central Park, New York

David Blaine in “Dive of Death”
Wollman Rink, Central Park
New York, September 2008

See also: Dive of Death - Above the Below

Friday, August 10, 2012

Bees Hotel

Hôtel à Abeilles, Bees Hotel, Jardin des Plantes, Paris

Hôtel à Abeilles (Bees Hotel)
Jardin des plantes
Quartier du Jardin-des-Plantes, 5th arrondissement
Paris, July 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Apotheosis of Saint Louis

Apotheosis of Saint Louis, ceiling fresco by Charles-Joseph Natoire, San Luigi dei Francesi, church of St. Louis of the French, Rome

“Apotheosis of Saint Louis”, ceiling fresco by Charles-Joseph Natoire
Chiesa di San Luigi dei Francesi (Church of St. Louis of the French)
Piazza di San Luigi de' Francesi
Rome, May 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

DZ Bank Building

DZ Bank, Behrenstraße, Berlin

Residential apartments
DZ Bank Building by Frank Gehry
Berlin, September 2011

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Halloween in Coventry Street

Halloween, Coventry Street, London

Early Halloween
Coventry Street, West End
London, October 2009

Monday, August 6, 2012

Les autres

L'enfer, c'est les autres, Hell is other people, graffiti, avenue de Verdun, passage Com K10, Paris

L'enfer, c'est les autres (Hell is other people)
Graffiti quoting “Huis Clos” (No Exit) by Jean-Paul Sartre
Avenue de Verdun / Passage Com K10
Quartier de l'Hôpital-Saint-Louis, 10th arrondissement
Paris, July 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Nicolas Poussin

Monument to Nicolas Poussin, donated by Chateaubriand Bust by Paul Lemoyne, relief by Louis Desprez San Lorenzo in Lucina, Rome

Monument to Nicolas Poussin, bust by Paul Lemoyne, relief by Louis Desprez
(Donated by Chateaubriand) San Lorenzo in Lucina (St Lawrence's at Lucina)
Piazza di San Lorenzo in Lucina
Rome, May 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Der Rufer

Der Rufer, The Caller or The Crier by Gerhard Marcks, Straße des 17. Juni, Berlin
“Der Rufer” (The Caller or The Crier) by Gerhard Marcks, 1966
Straße des 17. Juni
Berlin, September 2011

Ich gehe durch die Welt, und rufe “Friede, Friede, Friede”
(I wander through the world, and cry: peace, peace, peace)
I’ vo gridando: pace, pace, pace

Francesco Petrarca 1304-1374

External links: Stentor - Italia mia

Friday, August 3, 2012

Bronze Eagle

Monumental bronze eagle by Albino Manca, East Coast Memorial, Battery Park, New York

Monumental bronze eagle by Albino Manca
East Coast Memorial, Battery Park
New York, September 2007

Thursday, August 2, 2012


“Fers” (Irons), homage to Général Alexandre Dumas by Driss Sans-Arcidet (Musée Khômbol), Place du Général-Catroux (Place des Trois Dumas), Paris

“Fers” (Irons), homage to Général Alexandre Dumas by Driss Sans-Arcidet (Musée Khômbol), 2009
Place du Général-Catroux
Quartier de la Plaine-de-Monceaux, 17th arrondissement
Paris, July 2011

See also: D'Artagnan - Alexandre Dumas, fils

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Arch of Constantine

Arch of Constantine, Arco di Costantino, Rome

The Arch of Constantine
Seen from the Via Triumphalis
Rome, May 2011