Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Fábrica Nacional de Tabacos

Fábrica Nacional de Tabacos (National Tobacco Factory), Calle Plocia, Cádiz

Fábrica Nacional de Tabacos (National Tobacco Factory)
Calle Plocia
Cádiz, September 2023

“It was created in 1741 by Felipe V and after the years it was moved to other enclaves. The one that is preserved as the historic building of the Cádiz tobacco factory is a large neo-Mudejar style building that was built in 1829 on Plocia Street, labeled as the National Tobacco Factory of Cádiz. At the end of the 20th century, tobacco manufacturing was moved to a warehouse on the outskirts of the city, this building being remodeled for use as a Conference Center. The Royal Tobacco Factory of Cádiz was created in 1741 by Felipe V, although it is evident that previously, at the end of the 17th century, there was already an industrial tobacco industry in Cádiz. In those years its manufacture took place in a large house located in front of the extinct Puerta de Sevilla, where later the Customs building would be built. There were about 180 workers who were already 550 at the end of the century. This singular fact links tobacco production with exclusively female work. The reason was none other than the clearly lower wages received by women.” (Cádiz National Tobacco Factory, Loquis)

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