Saturday, June 10, 2017

Heirloom Tomatoes

Heirloom tomatoes (heritage tomatoes), Holland Street, Bankside, Southwark, London

Heirloom tomatoes (heritage tomatoes)
Holland Street, Bankside, Southwark
London, September 2016

“An heirloom tomato (also called heritage tomato in the UK) is an open-pollinated (non-hybrid) heirloom cultivar of tomato. Heirloom tomatoes have become increasingly popular and more readily available in recent years. According to tomato experts Craig LeHoullier and Carolyn Male, heirloom tomatoes can be classified into four categories: family heirlooms, commercial heirlooms, mystery heirlooms, and created heirlooms. They are grown for a variety of reasons, such as for food, historical interest, access to wider varieties, and by people who wish to save seeds from year to year, as well as for their taste, which is widely perceived to be better than ‘conventional’ tomatoes. They usually have a shorter shelf life, but are generally more disease resistant than most commercial tomatoes, except for specific disease(s), for which a commercial hybrid was bred to be resistant.” (Heirloom tomato)

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