Friday, June 9, 2017

Underpass of the Cure

Sottopassaggio delle Cure (Underpass of the Cure), Piazza delle Cure, Florence

Sottopassaggio delle Cure (Underpass of the Cure)
Piazza delle Cure
Florence, April 2017

“Underneath the sottopassaggio in Piazza delle Cure is an art exhibit unlike any other in Florence. The admission is free, the hours of operation are up to the visitors, the curator is self-appointed and, best of all, there are no lines. Ten years ago, local residents would suggest that you take the long way around the passage. This space was occupied by the homeless and the general environment was not exactly welcoming. That was before Salvatore moved in. Salvatore, the guardian of sottopassaggio delle Cure, has taken charge and restored the safety and beauty into the tunnels. He works on his own schedule, but generally you can find him at his post in the main hallway of the sottopassagio. The accommodations are simple: a little chair and table where he sits and talks to visitors.” (The beauty beneath, The Florentine)

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