Sunday, June 11, 2017


Detail of the monument to the twinning of Rome with Paris, by Félix Joffre, Via Parigi, Rome

“Scilicet” by Félix Joffre, 1956
Monument to the twinning of Rome and Paris
Via Parigi
Rome, April 2013

“In front of the Hall is a gift (1961) from the twin-city of Paris (since 1956), a Roman column with the bronze caravel on the top (heraldic symbol of Paris). Behind the hall along Via Parigi conspicuous remains of buildings demolished to make way for the Baths. It also contains works that came to light during the excavation works performed in Rome and in its surroundings, such as the Venus of Cyrene or the Girl from Antium, realized by Greek sculptors of the fifth century BC. Inside the building the visitor can admire frescoes of the Republican Age.” (Octagonal Hall of Diocletian Bath,

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