Saturday, March 23, 2024

Mosaic roundel

The Sower mosaic roundel by James Powell and Sons, Red Cross Garden, Redcross Way, Southwark, London

“The Sower” mosaic roundel by James Powell and Sons, 1896
Red Cross Garden
Redcross Way, Southwark
London, May 2023

“Two mosaics were donated by the Myatt's Fields philanthropist Julia Minet and installed by Hill in 1896. The mosaics were ‘The Sower’, by the glass-makers James Powell and Sons after a design by Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford, and ‘The Good Shepherd’, by Antonio Salviati. ‘The Good Shepherd’ has since been lost, but ‘The Sower’ survives, having been restored first in 1956 and again in 2005. It is now mounted on a modern building, Octavia House (occupied by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine), which is built on the former children's play area.” (Red Cross Garden, Wikipedia)

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