Friday, March 22, 2024

Cloister of Sant'Apollonia

Former cloister of Sant'Apollonia, Via Santa Reparata, Florence

Former cloister of Sant'Apollonia
Via Santa Reparata
Florence, December 2022

“Sant'Apollonia was a former Benedictine convent, founded in 1339, just north of the center of Florence, in Italy. Some of the remaining structures are demarcated on three sides by via Ventisette Aprile, via Santa Reparata, and Via San Gallo, located about a block west of Piazza San Marco, just north of the city center. The structures of the convent, suppressed since the 19th-century, are now put to different uses. The small church building is still present on the corner of Via Ventisette Aprile and San Gallo.” (Sant'Apollonia, Wikipedia)

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