Monday, June 5, 2023

Die Waschmaschine

Die Waschmaschine (The washing machine), Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus by Stephan Braunfels, Adele-Schreiber-Krieger-Straße, Berlin

‘Die Waschmaschine’ (The washing machine)
Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus by Stephan Braunfels, 2003
Berlin, September 2011

“The scientific service centre of the German Parliament is directly on the Spree. This new building, inaugurated in 2003, owes its name to the social politician and women's rights campaigner Marie Elisabeth Lüders. Alongside the Parliamentary Library and specialist scientific service providers it also accommodates a Wall memorial open to the public. Parts of the Berlin Wall have been rebuilt here to commemorate the division of the city along the former route of the Wall. Together with the Federal Chancellory and Paul-Löbe-House, Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders House also forms part of ‘Federal Row’, an architectural symbol of German unity.” (Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders House,

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