Sunday, June 4, 2023

Chiesa di San Domenico

Chiesa di San Domenico (Church of Saint Dominic), Piazza Sacrati, Ferrara

Chiesa di San Domenico (Church of Saint Dominic)
Piazza Sacrati
Ferrara, May 2022

“The Dominican complex, composed of the church and the large monastery, little of which still exists, was located exactly on the line that divided the medieval city from the Renaissance one. The present-day church, built in the 1700s, was designed by Vincenzo Santini; the only remains of the original church, which faced the opposite direction, are the campanile and an apsidal chapel that can be seen alongside the façade. Interior: laid out along graceful, classical, but rather sober lines, the interior contains numerous paintings, some of which are of a certain value, particularly the works of Cignaroli (second chapel on the left) and Bononi (fifth chapel on the right). A wooden choir dating back to 1384 is conserved behind the high altar. The floor of the church is almost completely covered with age-old gravestones.” (Church of S. Domenico, Ferrara Terra e Acqua)

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