Monday, February 27, 2023


Victoria (Victory) by Juan de Ávalos, Monumento a la gesta del Alcázar, Calle de la Union, Toledo

“Victoria” (Victory) by Juan de Ávalos, 1961
Monumento a la gesta del Alcázar
Calle de la Union
Toledo, September 2022

“The origin of the name Zocodover comes from the Arabic language sūq ad-dawābb, which means ‘market of burden beasts’. This place was also the place where bullfighting and the cucañas were organized in the celebrations of the locality. It has been, therefore, the nerve center of the social life of the city since medieval times. But Zocodover was also a center for more mournful acts like the autos-da-fé of the Inquisition or the public execution of the prisoners. It is when the old square was destroyed by a fire on October 29, 1589 that the decision was taken to build a new one. In 1854 an ambitious project is drawn up, by the hand of the technician Santiago Martín Ruiz, to reorganize the plaza de Zocodover, transforming it into a rectangular portico square.” (Plaza de Zocodover, Wikipedia)

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