Sunday, February 26, 2023

Palazzo Pretorio

Palazzo Pretorio, Piazza dei Priori, Volterra

Palazzo Pretorio
Piazza dei Priori
Volterra, September 2021

“The ‘Palazzo Pretorio’ with its humorous additions forms one side of the Piazza dei Priori. The palazzo seen today is the result of XIX century changes after the earthquake when several buildings were joined together and further embellished. In the past these buildings housed the Mayor's seat as well as providing accommodation for the Captain of the people's guard, hence its name of Praetorian or Pretorio. The palazzo's tower, the ‘Torre del Procellino’ is thought to be one of the oldest in the city. Its name translates simply as the Tower of the Little Pig because perched high up at the top of the tower next to a window is a quirky carved statue of a stone pig sitting on a little shelf. A careful observer, however, will spot that the tower has more than one pig. Another one is roughly carved in relief at the tower's base.” (Palazzo Pretorio and Torre del Porcellino,

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