Sunday, December 22, 2013

Michelangelo's Tomb

Tomb of Michelangelo Buonarroti by Giorgio Vasari, Basilica di Santa Croce, Piazza Santa Croce, Florence

Tomb of Michelangelo Buonarroti by Giorgio Vasari
Basilica di Santa Croce (Basilica of the Holy Cross)
Piazza Santa Croce
Florence, October 2013

“Michelangelo died at Rome in 1564. The general design of his tomb, which we are now examining, was by Vasari. The bust of the great master, seen above the central figure, is by Battista Lorenzi, and, if a good likeness, does not show Michelangelo to have been a very handsome man. The figure of architecture - the one on the right - is by Giovanni dall'Opera. The central figure represents Painting and is by Lorenzi ; while the third represents Sculpture and was executed by Cioli.” (Michelangelo's Tomb, Michelangelo Models)