Saturday, December 21, 2013

House of the Seven Chimneys

Casa dei Sette Camini, House of the Seven Chimneys, Fondamenta Tron, Dorsoduro, Venice

Casa dei Sette Camini (House of the Seven Chimneys)
Fondamenta Tron, Dorsoduro
Venice, September 2013

“Across the canal are the natural sciences laboratories of the Ca' Foscari University and beyond, the Santa Marta quarter housing complex. This used to be one of the poorest sections of Venice. The first inhabitants were fishermen that made a meager living off the lagoon and these humble origins are still reflected in the name of their church, San Nicolò dei Mendicoli, Saint Nicholas of the Beggars. On Rio de le Terese, Fondamenta Tron, a few yards away from the church, is the House of the Seven Chimneys (Casa dei Sette Camini) built in the 1700's as a housing project. It underwent a major retrofit in 1995-1996.” (Around Dorsoduro, A Lover of Venice)


  1. From the 1700s, and looking so good!

  2. A housing project in the 1700s, how extraordinary. They did well.
