Friday, December 11, 2009


Помнік-танк, Red Army T-34-85 battle tank, monument, Minsk, Belarus

Помнік-танк (Tank Monument)
Red Army T-34-85 battle tank on a pedestal
Цэнтральны дом афіцэраў (Central House of Officers)
Minsk, September 1996


  1. Another monument to killing.

    We are we so proud of our ability to kill our fellow human beings?

    Are those very young lads wearing military uniforms?

    Provocative post, VP.

  2. That's a good place for it - unless it rolls off the pedestal.

  3. Lol @ Tapirgal! I'd rather not see any of them, be it on memorials.

  4. Vogon, I didn't know I was so clever as to get your name and Ciel's in my posts on two consecutive days! And I'm still not sure what Jacques is in Italian. I saw it on the Web, but it's still a mystery to me :) I wasn't sure if Vogon Poets had human names.

  5. @ tapirgal - It's the name of Puccini, Leopardi and Casanova...
