Thursday, December 10, 2009

Grey Heron

Grey heron, The Serpentine, Hyde Park, London

A Grey Heron
The Serpentine, Hyde Park
London, October 2009


  1. How did you do that? The bird looks like it erupted out of the water? I dunno what it is, some kind of heron I'd guess.

    Did you slow down your shutter speed to get the swirling of the water to look like that?

    Whatever, it is fantastic!

  2. I can't tell the difference between a heron and an egret without looking it up, but I'm sure it's one or the other. This is a great pic, as Jacob said, with the amazing water patterns and the patterns of the bird itself.

  3. A Grey Heron. You don't find Egrets in the UK-unless in a zoo.

  4. Excellent shot! I need to fish out that bird book I have somewhere to have a look at English herons...

  5. I'm with Mike. What a fantastic shot this is! Great work, VP!

  6. Thanks to all for the help, just fixed the title and the caption.

  7. Grey on grey looks surprisingly interesting. Nice shot!
