Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Draft Horse

Draft horse, Chartres, France

Draft horse
Cloître Notre Dame
Chartres, July 1994


  1. Now that is a draft horse! Look at those short, sturdy legs showing the effect of his duties which would seem to include slogging through the mud! And that body! It exudes strength and power.

    Great photograph of a beautiful animal.

  2. Looking at it I'm getting a weird feel ....don't know what to say.

  3. OK, so there's a cathedral in Chartres and you show us a horse whose ancestors maybe took part in the construction of the cathedral?

  4. @ ciel - A Cathedral? In Chartres? It seems that I missed something!
    Probably it's that heap of stones behind this noble horse...
    You are right, but I was almost sure to have already posted it! Almost...
    You won my next fourth post.

  5. Lol, you see, I did not recognize a cathedral here!!!! ;-)
