Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Economist's Song

Tuna, University of Porto, Parvis de Notre-Dame, Paris

University of Porto Tuna, Faculty of Economics
Parvis Notre-Dame
Quartier Notre-Dame, 4th arrondissement
Paris, July 2004


  1. Are you supposed to put money in the case? I'd like to know what kind of music they were producing and whether or not they were any good...

    Fun shot!

  2. @ Iacob - Don't know the tipe of music, I guess it was some kind of Portuguese folk. They were good and funny, playing, singing and dancing, while wearing those heavy coats in July!

  3. That must have been fun to watch and listen to. They must have been sweating...

  4. This group of students playing and singing is called 'Tuna' (yes, like the fish - in english, of course! Lol!)

  5. We should have had a video of them :-)

  6. @ JM - Thanks, I was so curious about this, but can't find anything. They were a riot!
