Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Le Passe-muraille

The Man Who Walked Through Walls by Jean Marais, Montmartre, Paris

Le Passe-muraille (The passer-through-walls) by Jean Marais, 1989
Place Marcel-Aymé, Montmartre
Quartier des Grandes-Carrières, 18th arrondissement
Paris, July 2009


Lowell said...

You never know what you're going to find in Paris! People walking through walls! Sheesh!

What a great sculpture! I am so damn ignorant, though, I do not know who is the the man who walks through walls...

VP said...

@ Jacob - When I saw it the first time, few years ago, I knew nothing about it, so I took the picture simply because I liked it. Then I found the story (it's linked), I read it, and now I like it a bit more...

amatamari© said...

Facevo meglio a non leggermi la storia...
Grazie, foto assai particolare eh

crocrodyl said...

Wow! Great idea!

Anonymous said...

OK this is strange. Interesting but strange :)

Anonymous said...

that is awesome!

tapirgal said...

The first part of the story was pretty funny. I hear work calling me again, so I won't finish today, but it makes this creepy statue feel more humorous!

Sharodindu said...

Amazing one...A great art work has been captured perfectly by another artist...birth of another art work!