Wednesday, September 4, 2024

White Collar Factory

White Collar Factory by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, Old Street Yard, Shoreditch, London

White Collar Factory by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, 2017
Old Street Yard, Shoreditch
London, May 2023

“White Collar Factory is a complex of six buildings at Old Street Yard, which includes offices, studios, incubator space, restaurants and apartments, set around a new area of public realm, with a sixteen-storey tower topped by a 150m rooftop running track. Together, these 27,200 sqm buildings provide a bold new marker for Old Street as well as creating a new, more permeable section of the city that references the alleys and passageways of the historic urban grain. The mixed-use development is the culmination of an eight-year research project led by AHMM director Simon Allford and Simon Silver and Paul Williams, directors of developer Derwent London, working in collaboration with engineering firms AKT II and Arup. This research analysed why 19th century warehouses and factory buildings have enjoyed such longevity, and how these structures could inform and inspire a sustainable development. It identified five key elements: high ceilings, deep plans, simple passive façades, concrete structure, and smart servicing, which were to become the driving principles behind White Collar Factory.” (White Collar Factory, ArchDaily)

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