Saturday, June 29, 2024

The ‘Befana’

The arrival of the Befana, Loggia dei Lanzi, Piazza della Signoria, Florence

The arrival of the ‘Befana’
Loggia dei Lanzi
Piazza della Signoria
Florence, January 2023

“The Befana will ‘plane’ from the Loggia dei Lanzi and distribute sweets to the children. The Befana of the firefighters returns to fly in Piazza della Signoria in Florence. At 3 pm on Friday 6 January, after a period of arrest due to the health emergency, the annual appointment dedicated to all children returns: the magical old lady will ‘plane’ from the Loggia dei Lanzi. The invitation, addressed to all children, is to show up in the square at 3 pm: shortly after, the Befana will demonstrate not indifferent acrobatic skills, descending from the terrace above the Loggia and distributing candies and sweets to the little spectators. In the difficult aerial descent, the old lady will not be alone: together with her, to help her, there will be five firefighters.” (The Befana of the firefighters returns to fly in Piazza della Signoria, Italy 24 News English)

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