Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Rhinoceros by Davide Rivalta, Opera di Firenze (Opera of Florence), Piazza Vittorio Gui, Florence

Rhinoceros by Davide Rivalta
Opera di Firenze (Opera of Florence)
Piazza Vittorio Gui
Florence, January 2023

“Davide Rivalta instead populates the outdoor spaces of the Fort, with its bronze sculptures, creating a surreal atmosphere for the visitor: buffaloes, rhinos, eagles, suspended in an infinite instant. Metal sculptures that seem rather made of mud, mirages on the horizon that are about to disintegrate, and yet, they appear at the same time majestic and concrete, releasing a life force that makes them absolutely real. Rivalta also brings its wild animals indoors: the mighty rhino placed in the middle of one of the rooms seems to address with surprise the incoming visitors.” (Massimo Listi and Davide Rivalta, Arte Leonardo)

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