Friday, June 7, 2024

Paseo de los Reyes

Christopher Columbus with Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs, Calle Caballerizas Reales, Córdoba

Christopher Columbus with Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand
Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos
(Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs)
Calle Caballerizas Reales
Córdoba, September 2023

“The Lower Garden also includes the King's Avenue or Promenade of Kings (Paseo de los Reyes), an avenue bordered by lines of cylindrical cypress trees and divided into two paths by two narrow ponds. On this walk, there are several sculptures of the kings who built the Alcázar, which are located on pedestals aligned between the hedges. One sculpture represents Christopher Columbus with Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, commemorating Columbus's first meeting with the Catholic Monarchs which took place in the Alcázar.” (Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, Wikipedia)

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