Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hyde Park Corner kiosk

Refreshment kiosk by Mizzi Studio, Hyde Park Corner, Hyde Park, London

Refreshment kiosk by Mizzi Studio
Hyde Park Corner
Hyde Park
London, May 2023

“The series began when Colicci approached Mizzi Studio some five years ago, to create Serpentine Coffee House. Its completion came with the design of nine more kiosks that were meant to be installed on various locations across the Royal Parks. In October 2018, the roll out began, slowly and steadily leading up to today's culmination point – the launch of the Buckingham Gate pavilion in St James' Park, the largest in the range. The kiosks were created to replace a number of older, tired structures in place, and to update the visitor experience at the famous London parks. They share a similar aesthetic, while being adapted to fit each of their respective sites.” (Architectural kiosks complete in London’s Royal Parks, Wallpaper)

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