Saturday, May 11, 2024

Circular patio

Two level circular patio, Palacio de Carlos V (Palace of Charles V), Calle Real de la Alhambra, Granada

Two level circular patio
Palacio de Carlos V (Palace of Charles V)
Calle Real de la Alhambra
Granada, September 2023

“The circular patio has also two levels. The lower consists of a Doric colonnade of conglomerate stone, with an orthodox classical entablature formed of triglyphs and metopes. The upper floor is formed by a stylized Ionic colonnade whose entablature has no decoration. This organisation of the patio shows a deep knowledge of Roman architecture, and would be framed in pure Renaissance style but for its curved shape, which surprises the visitor entering from the main façades. The interior spaces and the staircases are also governed by the combination of square and circle. Similar aesthetic devices would be developed in the following decades under the classification of Mannerism.” (Palace of Charles V, Wikipedia)

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