Tuesday, April 23, 2024

San Basilio 20

Patio (Courtyard) by Juan Jiménez, Calle San Basilio, Córdoba

Patio (Courtyard) by Juan Jiménez
Calle San Basilio
Córdoba, September 2023

“One of the main tourist attractions of Córdoba is its patios, a place of coexistence and center of family life. In them, history, light, water and vegetation dialogue in a unique environment. Since 1921, they have taken on a special role with the Cordovan Patios Festival, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2012. It is celebrated during the month of May, where the Cordovan patios are adorned with flowers and pots that hang from their walls, or They are placed on the cobbled pavement. And to complete the essence of these emblematic places, their caretakers decorate the rooms with antique furniture or kitchen utensils, among other details.” (La Fiesta de los Patios de Córdoba, Patios de Córdoba)

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