Saturday, April 20, 2024

Plaza de San Juan de Dios

Plaza de San Juan de Dios, Casco Antiguo, Cádiz

Plaza de San Juan de Dios
Casco Antiguo
Cádiz, September 2023

“The importance of the new cathedral means that Cádiz doesn’t exactly have a ‘main’ square as such, but it is hard to look past the Plaza de San Juan de Dios when it comes to a major meeting point in this social city. The commercial centre of the city since way back in the 16th century, the square opens out onto the harbour and the Atlantic and is home to a fascinating collection of buildings, among them the City Hall and a church that takes the same name as the square, that being the Church of San Juan de Dios. There is also a Burger King, if you’re after a weird juxtaposition of the old and new.” (Plaza de San Juan de Dios, In Your Pocket)

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