Monday, April 1, 2024

Parkside Pavilion

Parkside Pavilion by DSDHA, Potters Fields Park, Tooley Street, Southwark, London

Parkside Pavilion by DSDHA, 2007
Potters Fields Park
Tooley Street, Southwark
London, May 2023

“Architects DSDHA have created two cafe pavilions at Potters Fields Park in London, England. Parkside Pavilion (top and above) is a charred structure set beside City Hall while the Blossom Square pavilion located next to Tower Bridge (below) is built of whitened timber. As the UK's first charred timber building, Parkside Pavilion has a distinctive silhouette that offsets the iconic structures that surround it, and continues DSDHA's research into contemporary forms of urban architecture and public space.” (Potters Fields Park pavilions by DSDHA, Dezeen)

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