Friday, April 26, 2024

El instante preciso

El instante preciso by Ramiro Megías, Ayuntamiento de Granada, Plaza del Carmen, Granada

“El instante preciso” by Ramiro Megías, 2002
(from a drawing by Guillermo Pérez Villalta)
Ayuntamiento de Granada
Plaza del Carmen
Granada, September 2023

“‘El Instante Preciso’ (The Precise Instant) is a curious equestrian sculpture that represents a horse. It walks on three of its legs that rest on three golden spheres, while its tail waves in the wind. Mounted on its rump is a naked and blindfolded rider, with his left hand holding the reins, while with his right, he holds a fourth golden sphere. The work, made of patinated and polished bronze, is the idea of ??the artist from Tarifa, Guillermo Pérez Villalta. According to its author, it represents happiness, the triumphant, perfect, balanced moment; but, at the same time, also the fleeting moment, of which one is only aware when it has already passed and the blindfold falls off. Under the sculpture, there is a clock with a legend that gives us a clue: ‘Happy who sees his hours in golden present’.” (El instante preciso, Waymarking)

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