Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Puerta de Bisagra Nueva

View from the inside, Puerta de Bisagra Nueva (New Bisagra Gate), Calle Real del Arrabal, Toledo

View from the inside
Puerta de Bisagra Nueva (New Bisagra Gate)
Calle Real del Arrabal
Toledo, September 2022

“The Puerta de Bisagra Nueva (The New Bisagra Gate) is the best known city gate of Toledo, Spain. The gate is of Moorish origin, but the main part was built in 1559 by Alonso de Covarrubias. It carries the coat of arms of the emperor Charles V. It superseded the Puerta Bisagra Antigua as the main entrance to the city.” (Puerta de Bisagra Nueva, Wikipedia)

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