Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Iglesia de Santa Victoria

Church of Santa Victoria, Calle Santa Victoria, Córdoba

Church of Santa Victoria
Calle Santa Victoria
Córdoba, September 2022

“The church of Santa Victoria, a unique example of Cordoban Neo-classical style, is situated near the Plaza de la Compañía. The building dates from the late 18th century and is the work of the French architect Baltasar Dreveton. The imposing entrance is made up of an impressive curved portico held up by six columns in the Composite order, cornice and triangular pediment, in the middle of which can be seen the coat of arms of the founder, Bishop Francisco Pacheco. The church interior is in the round with sixteen Corinthian columns holding up the roof. The are five altars: the main altar is made from gold-painted wood, and features a statue of the patron saint, Santa Victoria, martyr and patron saint of Cordoba, by Gómez de Sandoval. Most of the paintings decorating the interior are by Francisco Agustín Grande, the Neo-classical painter. Out of the many interesting artistic works, there is one sculpture called los Secretos (the Secrets), because thanks to the acoustic properties of the dome, someone speaking very quietly in an alcove on one side can be heard perfectly by someone standing on the opposite side.” (Church of Santa Victoria, Turismo de Córdoba)

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