Thursday, February 8, 2024

El beso multicolor

El beso multicolor (The Multicolour Kiss) by Okuda San Miguel, Calle de Eugenio Caxes, Madrid

“El beso multicolor” (The Multicolour Kiss) by Okuda San Miguel, 2021
Calle de Eugenio Caxes
Madrid, September 2022

“One of the most iconic examples of Madrid street art is the mural by Okuda located near the Plaza Río 2 shopping center, created to coincide with the famous Madrid Pride festivities. Okuda San Miguel, who is known for his use of vibrant colors and geometric patterns, has once again brought their signature style to life with this breathtaking piece. The mural features two women from different cultural backgrounds embracing in a passionate kiss, a powerful image that speaks to the diversity and inclusivity of the city. The artist’s intention was to capture the essence of Madrid’s multiculturalism and the importance of free love and acceptance in today’s society. The mural is located on the side of a building, and its sheer size and vivid colors make it impossible to miss. It is one of the most impressive examples of Madrid street art and has become a popular destination for street art enthusiasts and tourists alike, who come to admire the intricacy and beauty of the mural.” (Madrid Street Art, Madrid Traveling)

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