Saturday, February 17, 2024

Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo

Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Calle Américo Vespucio, Seville

Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo
Calle Américo Vespucio,
Seville, September 2022

“The Andalusian Centre of Contemporary Art (C.A.A.C., as for its Spanish acronym) was created in February 1990 with the intention of providing the Autonomous Region with an appropriate institution for the research, preservation, promotion and dissemination of contemporary art. Subsequently, artworks began to be gathered in order to take the first steps towards building up a permanent collection of contemporary art. In 1997, the Monastery of La Cartuja became the headquarters of the Centre, which was a decisive step in its evolution. This decree led to the amendment of its Articles of Association and the conversion of the C.A.A.C. into an autonomous body - dependent on the Ministry of Culture - which would take over the management of the personnel and the collections of the former Cartuja Monument Centre and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Seville. At the beginning, one of the main purposes of the Andalusian Centre for Contemporary Art has been to undertake a programme of activities which, for clear educational reasons, seeks to promote the study and encouragement of international contemporary artistic creation in its most varied expressions. Temporary exhibitions, seminars, workshops, concerts, meetings, recitals, cinema cycles, conferences... have been the communication tools used to achieve this aim. The cultural offer of the Centre is complemented by a visit to the monument itself, which houses an important artistic and archaeological heritage, resulting from its long history.” (Andalusian Centre of Contemporary Art, Turismo Sevilla)

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