Friday, January 5, 2024

Glass canopies

Glass canopies by Alexander Beleschenko, 22 Bishopsgate aka Twentytwo by PLP Architecture, Bishopsgate, City of London, London

Glass canopies by Alexander Beleschenko
22 Bishopsgate aka Twentytwo by PLP Architecture, 2020
Bishopsgate, City of London
London, May 2023

“The tower at 22 Bishopsgate in the heart of London rises 278 metres into the air, but one of the defining design features of the building is just above the heads of passers-by: The glass canopies. Read here why this is glass art at its best and what part sedak plays in it. A total of 149 laminates were colour-designed by artist Alexander Beleschenko for the 22 Bishopsgate building. In order to print his designs exactly on the glass, a precise printing technique was required, and at the same time the glasses had to meet high technical standards. This is where sedak was able to help and produced the safety glasses, which fully met the requirements both in terms of accurate print image and quality.” (A colourful glass artwork for London, GW News)

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