Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Casa de las Columnas

Centro Cívico Casa de las Columnas (House of Columns), Calle Pureza, Triana, Seville

Centro Cívico Casa de las Columnas (House of Columns)
Calle Pureza, Triana
Seville, September 2022

“The Casa de las Columnas is located in the centre of the Triana neighbourhood, specifically on Pureza street, opposite the apse of the Santa Ana parish church, near the Altozano and San Jorge castle, the convents of Nuestra Señora de la Salud, San Jacinto and Nuestra Señora de los Remedios. People say that it is placed approximately on the space of the disappeared Chapel of the Virgen del Buen Aire. In addition to this generally accepted statement, it can also be affirmed considering that the presbyter Fernando Narbona, when he built the Casa de las Columnas around 1780, placed a wooden cross in the garden in the place occupied by the Tabernacle. After the Spanish confiscation, the house was acquired along with other houses on Betis Street by the Cuban Rafael González Abreu, promoter of the creation of the Hispanic Cuban Institute of American History. In our century, it became a house or a neighbours' courtyard. In 1973, the building was declared in a state of ‘total ruin’ and eviction from it was established. In 1984 the Town Council bought the remains of the Casa de las Columnas from the Hispanic Cuban Institute of American History for twelve million pesetas and, in March 1987, the rehabilitation work on the building was awarded and completed in the summer of 1989. The building currently houses a Civic Centre of the Seville Town Council in which several municipal departments are housed in addition to a public library.” (Casa de las Columnas, Turismo Sevilla)

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