Sunday, December 10, 2023

Naked woman

Naked woman by Ruy Roque Gameiro, Calouste Gulbenkian Garden, Avenida de Berna, Lisbon

Naked woman by Ruy Roque Gameiro, 1933
Calouste Gulbenkian Garden
Avenida de Berna
Lisbon, April 2019

“Ruy Roque Gameiro (27 February 1906 – 18 August 1935) was a Portuguese sculptor. Although he died relatively young, he won the admiration of critics, particularly José de Figueiredo. Son of the watercolour master Alfredo Roque Gameiro and disciple of José Simões de Almeida (nephew), he attended the auto mechanic course at the Marqués de Pombal Industrial School in Lisbon, at that time directed by Sanches de Castro. In 1928, he finished the course of the School of Fine Arts of Lisbon, with a proven proof of sculpture under the title Abel and Cain. The following year, he exhibited for the first time in the National Society of Fine Arts – Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, with two sculptures, Salomé and the head of the painter José Tagarro, the latter soon acquired for the National Museum of Contemporary Art.” (Ruy Roque Gameiro, Wikipedia)

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