Saturday, December 30, 2023

José de Ribera

José de Ribera by Mariano Benlliure, Plaza del Poeta Llorente, Valencia

José de Ribera “el Españoleto” by Mariano Benlliure, 1888
Plaza del Poeta Llorente
Valencia, September 2022

“Jusepe de Ribera (1591 – 1652) was a painter and printmaker, who along with Francisco de Zurbarán, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, and the singular Diego Velázquez, are regarded as the major artists of Spanish Baroque painting. Referring to a series of Ribera exhibitions held in the late 20th century, Philippe de Montebello wrote ‘If Ribera's status as the undisputed protagonist of Neapolitan painting had ever been in doubt, it was not longer. Indeed, to many it seemed that Ribera emerged from these exhibitions as not simply the greatest Neapolitan artist of his age but one of the outstanding European masters of the seventeenth century.’: vii p.  Jusepe de Ribera has also been referred to as José de Ribera, Josep de Ribera, and Lo Spagnoletto (the Little Spaniard) by his contemporaries, early historians, and biographers.” (Jusepe de Ribera, Wikipedia)

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