Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Castillo de San Servando

Castillo de San Servando (Castle of San Servando), Cuesta de San Servando, Toledo

Castillo de San Servando (Castle of San Servando)
Cuesta de San Servando
Toledo, September 2022

“The Castle of San Servando is a medieval castle in Toledo, Spain, near the Tagus River. It was begun as a monastery, occupied first by monks and later by the Knights Templar. In 1874 the castle was named a national monument. The fortress was depicted in El Greco's painting View of Toledo. Lying at the opposite bank of the Tagus than the main urban core, it is connected to the Santa Bárbara residential area through the Cuesta de San Servando.” (Castle of San Servando, Wikipedia)

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