Sunday, October 8, 2023

San Torpé

Church of San Torpé, Largo del Parlascio, Pisa

Church of San Torpé
Largo del Parlascio
Pisa, June 2022

“San Torpé is a Roman Catholic church located in Largo del Parlascio #20 in the town of Pisa, region of Tuscany, Italy. A church and adjacent convent were erected between 1254 and 1278 by monk of the Umiliati order, likely to house the relics of Saint Torpe from a nearby decrepit church of San Rossore a Tombolo. This order was suppressed in 1571 by Pope Pius V, and it passed in 1584 to monks of the Franciscan order of Minims of San Francesco of Paola. The Franciscans were dedicated to redecoration of the church and employed the artists Alfonso Robertelli, Bartolomeo di Domenico (altar of San Francesco da Paola), Guerruccio Guerrucci (altar of the Madonna), and Baldassarri di Pasquino Tacci(canvas depicting the Madonna). When this order was suppressed, the church was not assigned until 1808 first to the Vallombrosans and next to Carthusians, and in 1816, to the Carmelite order. In 1866, that order was briefly suppressed and much of the interior decoration underwent auction. The monastery and church are still administered by Carmelite nuns.” (San Torpé, Wikipedia)

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