Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Mura di Pisa

Mura di Pisa (Walls of Pisa), Piazza dei Miracoli, Pisa

Mura di Pisa (Walls of Pisa)
Piazza dei Miracoli
Pisa, June 2022

“The walls of Pisa are among the most ancient in Italy to be almost entirely intact. Construction work on the first lot began in 1154 in the area that currently hosts Piazza dei Miracoli: the site was not chosen by chance; the walls were intended to protect not only the Cathedral and the future Baptistery, but the most vulnerable point from a military point of view, namely the bridge over the Auser to the northwest of the city. This first segment of the wall, erected north of the city from 1155 to 1161, was built of gray limestone, called marmble of San Giuliano, while for the walls erected at a later time, at the end of 1346, the pink grey stone of Asciano.” (Walls of Pisa, VisitTuscany)

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